It's Complicated.

This might not be the right time, but I don't really know when the perfect timing for this is. I know this is plain stupidity and that you're just making some things easier for me. This could be your way of returning the favor perhaps, but don't you think everything's been too much already? I should know my limitations for this, but with you around, it feels like as if there are no rules to follow.

You make it so easy.

You make me so careless.

Things are unclear right now, and according to some social networking site, "It's complicated". Well I've finally felt this feeling everyone's been trying to explain to me. You know the this-feels-good-but-this-is-going-nowhere feeling? Yeah, I guess this is it.

This is not going anywhere, and I bet you feel the same way too. So I suggest we make things clear by staying as friends. I know it's bleak, but this is what I want to remember -- the happy times.

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