
I haven't updated for a while, and that's because I became so busy with school, or if not, I have been sleeping. Lol. I kinda love to spend my "vacant" time sleeping. Oh I don't know why I so love to sleep. I can hibernate for like forever, you know.

So anyway, this coming week will be very stressful. Well, not about school though. This coming Tuesday, November 25, will be our city's fiesta. I'm not quite sure if we will be celebrating here at home. I still have to confirm that with my Grandmother tomorrow. Hehe. Then on Wednesday, November 26, while everyone is still having a hang-over from their drinking spree the night before, I have to go to school because it's going to be our Intramurals, and I still have to check on what event I am assigned. That is if the chairperson didn't forget to include me in the Food Committee. Hay. She seems to be so clueless about everything. I have been a member of the Food Comm for 3 years now, and I am sure that she's not worth of the position. Being the chairperson, and she doesn't even know how everything works in the committee? That's just so pft.

So back to November 26, Charm will be arriving on that day as well so I better know how to balance everything so I could spend time with her too.

November 27, still, I have to go to school because the event that I might be assigned to might have a game on that day. Gah. I really don't know. I prolly won't be meeting up with Charm on that day since she's going to attend a wedding. Maybe after though.

November 28 onwards, most probably, I will be going to school again for the Intrams until the closing ceremonies that I don't even know when exactly.

November 29, Panda Bear and friends will arrive and I have to take her and her friends out. They will be here for just a day, and they're going back to Cebu the following day, so we have to make the most out of whatever time we have.

Then December 1 is holiday, so classes are resuming on December 2.

Wah. See, I told you next week will be stressful, but in a good way though. So that's my schedule next week. You can stalk me if you want! Just be harmless. Lol. =)

1 Response to Onwards.

December 9, 2008 at 8:00 AM

ubGHJE pynhxrmfhlwa, [url=http://yeicnttolfvm.com/]yeicnttolfvm[/url], [link=http://kbjkoggczkaj.com/]kbjkoggczkaj[/link], http://rlaffrbqevlx.com/

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