Skimberlee, Skimberloo.

Hei, I changed my mind about the site that was given to me. I'm not going to make it a personal blog anymore because I just realized that I have a Tumblr blog, 2 Wordpress blogs, 3 Blogspot blogs, and accounts on Twitter and Plurk, where I do microblogging. I barely even have time to update my personal blogs because sometimes, I just run out of things to write, and that's because I am very careful with what I write now. I know of personal friends [and even family] who read my blogs and I just don't feel so comfortable about it. That's why I'm extra cautious.

So anyway, I decided to make my new hosted blog a different one from all of my other blogs. After brain-storming on what category I should focus on, I've finally decided to settle with something that I really love, and that would be nothing less than... [*drum roll please*] FOOD -- in big bold letters. Now you can laugh out loud.

Seriously, I wanted to have a techie blog, but that's a total boohoo. How can I write about something I don't even have. As they say, practice what you preach. So that lead me to the idea of running a food blog, because Dude, [*don't dare laugh*] there's nothing better I know than the super good and the not-so good food around. Now you can laugh again.

Ugh. Whatever this whole thing would take, I'm still super over-whelmed that someone offered me free hosting. I mean, it's not everyone in this blogosphere would be offered something like this. Some people just feels good when they give something in return. Kevin is simply sparing about 30USD for good hosting of my soon-to-be FOOD BLOG, you know.

And by the way, that reminds me, I really want need a camera!

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