Calling all ESTRADAs originally from Basilan, Zamboanga, Manila and wherever. FYI, we're having a reunion on April (holy week) here at Dumaguete City. This may sound funny but I just overheard my Lolo, Lola, and Titas talking about this the other day when some relatives came over to visit from Manila and Zamboanga. Haha. Well honestly, I'm kinda excited about this reunion since, I guess, this will be the first time for everyone to get together, and I think it's really sweet because it will be held here in Dumaguete, and everyone is flying over. This is going to be fun! :-D
Calling all VILLANUEVAs from around the world, were having a reunion on May 2009. Don't know the exact date, because I never seem to care about this reunion. The last time I attended a reunion of this side of the family, sorry, but I got bored. No offense meant. Some people chose who to mingle with, and I believe that is not what a reunion is all about, right? I think this is the problem if you have a really big big big family. But nonetheless, I am hoping for a better reunion this year. But oh well, who am I to complain? Tss.
Both sides of the family are having a reunion this summer - April and May.
Why is everybody coming up with a reunion? Hmmmm. Please don't tell me it's the end of the world. :-|
2 Response to Like Yeah, Roots.
We just have our last christmas. Hehe It was fun, alot of fun.
xar: Oooh, that's great Xar! :-D
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