Shake It. Just Do It.

Fuck this day. Fuck, Ms. S. Know your limitations! You do not have the right to make your students your assistant. You should have asked first if we wanted to do it. Whatever. You have the power because you're the teacher and we are only your students. Blah blah blah. Pakshet.

Another pakshet: I went to the effing Christmas party of our department. And sorry to say, but it was lame! I knew it in the first place that it would be LAME, that's why I wasn't going supposedly. But I still went because I tried not to be a KJ. I went home right away after.

Reunion crap: Cole texted me and asked me if I could help her organize our 4th year high school class reunion. I declined because I don't want to be a part of the planning team because... I just don't like. I have a lot of better things to do than to plan a reunion for people I often see. Haha. It will be on December 21 at Earl Dwight's place. Can you keep a secret? I don't have plans of going. =)

AUSTRALIA '08: Come on. I'm friggin' excited! =) Can't wait to see a real kangga! Haha. Ignorant me.

Mom's leaving tomorrow na, and I still don't know when she'll be back. Ehem. PASALUBONG, Mom. I want a new laptop. Haha. Labo. =)

♪♪♪ I feel the chill insayayd... ♪♪♪

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