These past few weeks, I felt I was the most stupid person in the whole universe because, again, I've fallen. I was bitten by the bug and I broke the promise I made to myself. Gawd! I was about to surrender, but I decided to give it one more chance. I was giving myself the benefit of the doubt, because who knows? Maybe, just maybe, this might work out this time. But I told myself not to give in too much, I do not want to end up wining for the same reason again. I didn’t want my traitorous thoughts to fall prey to the foolishness of my heart.
The 20-minute call was all I needed just for me to feel that I am still loved. Honestly, these past few weeks were the most hanging weeks I've ever had. I didn't know what to do, where to go, what to say, either to cry or just go on with my life. But I am relieved now - relieved from the thought that this might not work out, again. I know nothing official is going on, but for you to make an extra effort on everything... I just feel so blessed and thankful. No one is in a hurry, so let's take our time.
Thank you. This is the first time that I effortlessly involve myself on something I've always wanted. I don't deserve you, I know that. But thank you for moving heaven and earth just to prove to me that you're not way out of my league after all.
♥♥♥ Thank you, terriyaki boy.. Thank you for making me feel that I am still alive.. ♥♥♥
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